Huan Wang


Visiting Student Researcher in the Department of Geography, Environment and Geomatics at the University of Ottawa

Huan Wang is a Ph.D. candidate at Henan Agricultural University in China. She currently is a Visiting Student Researcher in the Department of Geography, Environment and Geomatics at the University of Ottawa under the supervision of Dr. Luisa Veronis. Their team is conducting a study on skilled newcomers' experiences in the Ottawa-Gatineau labour market with a focus on how they use social media to build their professional networks in the context of the pandemic. She is also interested in how China’s migration of rural surplus labour will influence agricultural production and the economy.



Citizenship; sociology of the family and intimate relations; sociology of gender; poverty; social policy; and research methods.



  • Veronis, L. & Wang, H. 2022. Skilled Newcomers’ Labour Market Strategies in a Pandemic Context: The Role of Social Networks and Social Media. Pathways to Prosperity (P2P) National Conference / Conférence nationale des Voies vers la Prospérité (VVP), Ottawa, 14-15 November.