Stéfanie Morris

Stefanie Morris

BA in Sociocultural Anthropology from Brigham Young University

Stéfanie Morris holds a BA in Sociocultural Anthropology from Brigham Young University (2016) and an MA in Public and International Affairs from the University of Ottawa (2019). Her academic research focuses primarily on refugee law, resettlement, and private sponsorship. She has worked with refugees in Canada, Greece, and Tanzania. She is currently in her first year of law school at the University of Ottawa’s Common Law program.



Citizenship; sociology of the family and intimate relations; sociology of gender; poverty; social policy; and research methods.

  • Bischoping, Katherine and Amber Gazso. 2016. Analyzing Talk in the Social Sciences: Conversation, Discourse, and Narrative Strategies. London: Sage.
  • Gazso, Amber. 2016. “Low Income Lone Mothers and “Home”: The Importance of Social Relations.” In Sociology of Home, edited by G. Anderson, L. Suski, and J. Moore. Toronto: Canadian Scholars Press.
  • Gazso, Amber. 2016. “Mothers’ Maintenance of Families through Market and Family Care Relations. ” In Feminist Issues: Race, Class, and Sexuality, 6th edition, edited by Nancy Mandell and Jennifer Johnson. Toronto: Pearson/Prentice Hall. (significant revision of 2009 chapter)
  • Gazso, Amber. 2015. “Gendering Social Assistance Reform. In Welfare Reform in Canada: Provincial Social Assistance in Comparative Perspective, edited by Daniel Béland and Pierre-Marc Daigneault. Toronto: Oxford University Press.
  • Gazso, Amber. 2014. “Parenting Young Children: Decisions and Realities.” In Canadian Families Today: New Perspectives, 3rd edition, edited by Patrizia Albanese and David Cheal. Toronto: Oxford University Press.
  • Scobie, Olivia and Amber Gazso. 2013. “‘It was easier to say I didn’t have kids’: Mothering, Incarceration, and Relationships with Social and Criminal Justice Policies.” In Incarcerated Mothers: Oppression and Resistance. Toronto: Demeter Press.
  • Gazso, Amber. 2014. [Book review of Marjorie Griffin Cohen and Jane Pulkingham, editors, Public Policy for Women: The State, Income Security, and Labour Market Issues.] Basic Income Studies, 8(2), 5 pgs.
