Jana Borras

Jana Borras

PhD Candidate in the Department of Sociology, Faculty of Liberal Arts and Professional Studies at York University

Jana Borras is a PhD Candidate in the Department of Sociology, Faculty of Liberal Arts and Professional Studies, at York University. Her research interests include migration, precarious legal status, care work and the incorporation of temporary migrants in Canada. Jana’s doctoral research focus on health care workers who migrated to Canada with precarious legal status. Her dissertation will examine the impact of precarious legal status upon arrival on the economic mobility of health care workers.


Email: jborras@yorku.ca

migration, precarious legal status, care work and the incorporation of temporary migrants in Canada

Stalled Mobility? Income Inequality and Intergenerational Relationships Among Newcomer South Asian and Chinese Households in York Region

Gazso, A., Borras, J., Phonepraseuth, J., Mandell, N., Lam, L., & Man, G. A Qualitative Exploration of the Relationship between Human and Social Capital in the Settlement of Chinese and South Asian Immigrants in Canada. Paper to be submitted to Canadian Ethnic Studies.

Mandell, N., Phonepraseuth, J., Borras, J., & Lam, L. South Asian and Chinese International Students in Canada: The Role of Social Connections in their Settlement and Integration. Comparative and International Education, forthcoming.

Mandell, N., Borras, J., Phonepraseuth, J. & Lam, L., Studying Abroad: Experiences and Challenges of South Asian and Chinese International Students. In Leaving to Learn: Mapping the place of resilience in the journeys of international students to Canada, edited by S. Ghosh, L.Veronis and M. Walton-Roberts. Vancouver: UBC Press, forthcoming.

Phonepraseuth, J., Borras, J., Mandell, N., and Lam, L. (May 2021). “Studying Abroad: Experiences and Challenges of South Asian and Chinese International Students”. Canadian Sociological Association, Edmonton, AB

Phonepraseuth, J., Borras, J., Mandell, N., and Lam, L. (May 2021). “Is settlement a ‘family affair’? Families as sources of support and stress during settlement”. Canadian Sociological Association, Edmonton, AB

Gazso, A., Borras, J., Phonepraseuth, J., Mandell, N., Lam, L. and Man, G. (May 2021). “Life course capital and income (in)security among recently arrived Canadian immigrants from South Asian and China”. Canadian Sociological Association, Edmonton, AB

Mandell, N., Phonepraseuth, J., Borras, J., Lam, L. Gazso, A., & Man, G. The Role of Families in the Settlement and Integration of Newcomers to Canada in V. Preston, J. Shields and T. Bedard (eds). Resilience and Integrating International Migrants in Cities in Canada, forthcoming.

Mandell, N., Phonepraseuth, J., Borras, J., & Lam, L. Challenges of South Asian and Chinese International Students: Becoming Embedded in Networks of support. Comparative and International Education, submitted.

Gazso, A., Borras, J., Lam, L., Mandell, N. & Man, G. Income insecurity of South Asian and Chinese households in the York Region, in progress.

Mandell, N., J. Hemphill, J. Phonepraseuth, and J. Borras (2019). Settlement Experiences of Recently Arrived Senior Immigrants: Primary Research Report. CERIS/IRCC.

Mandell, N., J. Borras, J. and J. Phonepraseuth. (2018). Recent Canadian Immigrant Seniors: A Literature Review of Settlement Experiences and Services: Knowledge Synthesis Report. CERIS/IRCC.

Mandell, N., L. Lam, J. Borras, and J. Phonepraseuth. (2018). Living on the margins: Economic security among senior immigrants in Canada. Alternate Routes: A Journal of Critical Social Research, 29.
