KM Update-December 2017

Summary of the Ottawa Meeting 
The Knowledge Mobilization Officer prepared a meeting report that summarizes what happened at the partnership grant meeting in November 2017. The summary is available here.

New pages on the BMRC website
The BMRC partnership is introducing new webpages dedicated to clarifying the project to an audience with little knowledge on migration research. The pages showcase partnership members who talk about the project in video interviews. This section of the website will be updated over time with some new content. If you would be interested in covering a topic about the BMRC project in a video or audio interview, kindly contact the Knowledge Mobilization Officer. You can consult the explanatory pages here.
Kindly note that the partnership's Youtube Channel is available here.

Using the calendar of activities 
The calendar allows you to post all past or planned meetings, events and knowledge mobilization activities on the BMRC website. Using this tool can help the partnership meet some of the reporting requirements of our funder. It can also help us work better together. If you have questions on how to use it, please contact the Knowledge Mobilization Officer. The calendar tool is available here.

Survey on the newsletter
The KM committee listens to your feedback and ideas. Please take a minute to complete the survey on the BMRC newsletter available here.