Margaret Walton-Roberts

Professor in the Geography and Environmental studies department at Wilfrid Laurier University

Margaret Walton-Roberts is a professor in the Geography and Environmental studies department at Wilfrid Laurier University, and affiliated to the Balsillie School of International Affairs, Waterloo Ontario. Her research interests are in gender and migration, transnational networks in the Indian diaspora, and immigrant settlement in Canada.

Her current research project focuses on the international migration of health care professionals in the context of economic regionalisation, and Mutual Recognition Agreements within ASEAN. She has been awarded several external grants for her research, and has published 3 co-edited books, over 18 book chapters, and more than 20 journal articles on immigration and citizenship policy, settlement and integration and transnational community formation.

Her forthcoming edited collection is Global Migration, Gender and Health Professional Credentials: Transnational Value Transfers and Losses due to be published by University of Toronto Press in 2021. Dr Walton-Roberts has led projects, published outputs, mentored, engaged in knowledge transfer with policy makers and community organizations, and established an international network of scholars focused on the global migration of health care workers.  From 2008-2012 Dr Walton-Roberts was the inaugural Director of the International Migration Research Centre (IMRC); a research centre whose mandate is to serve as a focal point for debate, research, policy analysis, and proposal development related to international migration and mobility at the global, national and regional scale.

  1. Gender and Women
  2. Global Health
  3. Global Social Governance
  4. Migration

  • Heller, A., Rajan, I. S. and Walton-Roberts, M. (Forthcoming) “International Student Mobility: New and Emerging Patterns in Medical Education in the Global South” In New Directions in South-South Migration Edited by Abel Chikanda, Jonathan Crush and Sujata Ramachandran Springer.
  • Gabriel, C., Ghosh, S., Schlosser, F., Veronis, L., and Walton-Roberts, M., (Forthcoming) “Supporting International Student Resilience throughout the Migrant Journey.” In Building Migrant Resilience in Cities. Editors Preston, V., Shields, J and Bedard, T., McGill University Press.
  • Veronis, L., Palmerin, D., Walton-Roberts, M., and Mesana, V., (Forthcoming) “Comparative analysis of municipal policy discourses on immigration and resilience: Uncovering actually existing resilience(s) in context” In Building Migrant Resilience in Cities. Editors Preston, V., Shields, J and Bedard, T., McGill University Press.
  • Ennis, C., and Walton-Roberts, M. Forthcoming. “Labour market regulation as global social policy: the case of nursing labour markets in Oman.” Global Social Policy
  • Ghosh, S., Luisa Veronis, Walton-Roberts, M. (Submitted) Leaving to Learn: Mapping the place of resilience in the journeys of international students to Canada. UBC Press.
  • Walton-Roberts, M., (2023) “The future of health care work and the place of migrant workers within it: Internationally Educated Nurses in Ontario Canada during the COVID-19 Pandemic.” Journal of Immigration and Refugee Studies.
  • Walton-Roberts, M., (2023) “Migration and the health and care sector” Handbook of Immigration and Refugee Studies. Edited by Anna Triandafyllidou Abingdon: Routledge 201-210.
  • *Shirkhodaee, A., and Walton-Roberts, M. (2023) ‘Gender’. Encyclopedia of Human Geography, edited by D. Demeritt and L. Lees. Edward Elgar. 163-168.
  • *Amber-Judge, N., and Walton-Roberts, M. (2023) “Shifting gender and power relations in marriage migration practices: The north India-Canada case.” Handbook of Migration and Family, edited by J. Waters and B. Yeoh. Edward Elgar Publishing 33-50.
  • Veronis, L., and Walton-Roberts, M., (2023) “Comparative analysis of Canadian municipal policy discourses on immigration and resilience.” Migration Policy Practice 12, 2: 4-9.
  • Graham, N., Walton-Roberts, M., and Preston, V., (2023) “Removing caps on international students’ paid work: A silver bullet?” BMRC policy preview. April 2023.
  • Veronis, L., Palmerin, D., Walton-Roberts, M. & Mesana, V. Comparative analysis of municipal policy discourses on immigration and resilience: Uncovering actually existing resilience(s) in context. In Valerie Preston et al. (eds.) BMRC book. (revised chapter submitted Jan 2022).
  • Borders, Boundaries, and the Impact of COVID-19 on Immigration to Canada, Leah K. Hamilton, Mount Royal University, Canada Victoria M. Esses, Western University, Canada Margaret Walton-Roberts, Wilfrid Laurier University, Canada, Studies in Social Sciences, Volume 16, Issue 1, 1-8, 2022.
  • Moniruzzaman, M., and Walton-Roberts, M. 2017 “Migration, Debt and Resource Backwash: How Sustainable is Bangladesh-Gulf Cooperation Council Circular Migration?” Migration and Development.
  • Walton-Roberts, M., Bhutani, S., Kaur, A., 2017. “Care and Global Migration in the Nursing Profession: A North Indian Perspective.” Australian Geographer 48,1: 59-77 .
  • Gill, H., and Walton-Roberts, M. 2017. “Placing the transnational migrant.” In Urbanization in a Global Context, edited by Alison Bain and Linda Peake, 245-260. Oxford University Press.
  • Walton-Roberts, M. 2017. “Immigration policy change and the transnational shaping of place.” In Rethinking International Skilled Migration, edited by Micheline van Riemsdijk and Qingfang Wang, 228-248. Routledge: New York and London.
  • Dordi, H., and Walton-Roberts, M. 2017. “Softening India Abroad: Representations of India and its diaspora in the Canadian Press.” Routledge Handbook of the Indian Diaspora, edited by R.S. Hedge and A. Sahoo, 252-266. Routledge.
  • Chikanda, Abel, Crush, Jonathan, Walton-Roberts, Margaret (Eds.). 2016. Diasporas, Development and Governance. Springer International Publishing.
  • Connell, J., and Walton-Roberts, M. 2016. “What about the Workforce? The Missing Geographies of Health Care”. Progress in Human Geography 40(2): 158–176.
  • Howard Hassmann, R., and Walton-Roberts, M. 2015. The Human Right to Citizenship A Slippery Concept. University of Pennsylvania Press.
  • Walton-Roberts, M. 2015. “The international migration of health professionals and the marketization and privatization of health education in India: From push-pull to global political economy”. Social Science and Medicine 124: 374-382.
  • Walton-Roberts, M., (2015) "Femininity, mobility and family fears: Indian international student migration and transnational parental control." Journal of Cultural Geography 32,1.
  • Connell, J., and Walton-Roberts, M., (2015) "What about the Workforce? The Missing Geographies of Health Care." Progress in Human Geography.
  • Walton-Roberts, M. (2015) "The international migration of health professionals and the marketization and privatization of health education in India: From push-pull to global political economy." Social Science and Medicine 124: 374-382. doi: 10.1016/j.socscimed.2014.10.004.
  • Chilvers, S., and Walton-Roberts, M., (2008. Published 2014): "Introduction: Deconstructing the (Re) construction of South Asian Identities in Canada," Diaspora Diaspora: a journal of transnational studies. 17, 2: 121-129.
  • Walton-Roberts, M., Beaujot, R., Hiebert, D.,McDaniel, S.,Rose, D., and Wright, R., (2014) "Why do we still need a census? Views from the age of 'truthiness' and the 'death of evidence.'" The Canadian Geographer 58,1: 34-47.
  • Walton-Roberts, M. (2013) Introduction to the special issue on South Asian Diasporas in Canada. South Asian Diaspora 5,1. 1-5.



  • Building Migrant Resilience in Cities (BMRC) webinar “Are International Students Disposable Workers?” January 26th, 2023. (chair)